Upgrading Your AC: Factors to Consider

Monday, April 25, 2016

Last month, we spoke about variable-speed technology and how this is one way to achieve optimal efficiency when upgrading your air conditioning system. With as much as you likely use your air conditioner in your Florida home, it only seems natural that you want to save money. One of the best ways to do this is by upgrading your air conditioner and making sure that it’s performing as effectively and efficiently as possible. So what other factors should you consider when upgrading your system?

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Can a Bad Capacitor Hurt My Air Conditioner?

Monday, April 18, 2016

To learn about the negative effects of a bad capacitor, you must first understand what a capacitor is and how it functions. A capacitor is one of the most essential parts of the electrical system in your air conditioner. Without it, the motors that power the compressor and the fans wouldn’t be able to function.

Think of capacitors like short-term batteries. They are small, cylindrical objects that have the ability to store energy within an electrostatic field. They are attached to motors, and either send a jolt to start up the motor (start capacitor), or a regular series of jolts (run capacitor) to keep the motor running. In your AC system, capacitors work with three different motors. These are the compressor, the blower motor, and the outside fan.

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The Power of Effective Dehumidification

Monday, April 11, 2016

When homeowners on the west coast comment on their heat, Florida residents may get a little envious, and often use the phrase, “but it’s a dry heat!” This is absolutely true. We know all too well how humidity can make a warm day seem that much hotter and uncomfortable. When it comes to your indoor comfort, you want to do anything you can to get relief.

Whole-home dehumidification is your solution. Your home’s relative humidity level needs to be somewhere between 30%-50% for you to feel comfortable within your home, and to avoid adverse effects to your health and your property. Too much moisture negatively impacts your air conditioner’s efficiency and decreases your indoor air quality. Keep reading to discover how a dehumidifier can help.

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How an Energy Recovery Can Help You in Hot Weather

Monday, April 4, 2016

Air conditioning is the main concern on homeowners’ minds when the Florida weather gets hotter. However, there are others ways to help out your home during hot weather that can relieve some of the stress on the air conditioner while also benefiting the quality of your indoor air and balancing humidity. One of these methods is an energy recovery ventilator (ERV).

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