AC Efficiency: The Best Way to Save on Cooling Costs

Monday, October 3, 2016

Summer may have already come to an end, but with our warm temperatures we’d never know it. Our air conditioners were met with quite the task to keep our homes cool all season long, and their jobs aren’t over yet. Naturally, you’d probably like to see your electrical bills go down.

If you follow some of the tips below, you might actually be able to dramatically increase your air conditioner efficiency, and as a result save money. Additionally, following this advice could help your AC system work longer than it would have otherwise.

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Yes, You Should Regularly Change Your Air Conditioner’s Filter

Monday, September 12, 2016

When summer first begins and that first heat wave rolls through, hopefully you have your air conditioning system ready. Ideally you will have had it maintained the spring before and have kept up on repair needs. You’ll also likely have changed the air filter to get it ready for regular use. However, as we near the “end” of summer, you’ve likely not given much more thought to your air filter.

In order to keep your air conditioner functioning at peak performance and efficiency levels, you want to make sure that you are changing your air filter on a regular basis. The air filter that comes standard with your system is there to protect its inside components, so without changing it, you could be allowing damage to occur within the system. Plus, changing it something that’s relatively easy to do and you can do on your own.

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Combatting a Common AC Problem: Ice Development

Monday, August 22, 2016

When it comes to caring for your air conditioning system, it’s important to know the signs that something is wrong. Seeing ice on your system is one of these signs. Oftentimes, homeowners assume that since ice is associated with cooling, that it is normal to see it develop on their cooling system. Unfortunately, this is a common misconception that can cause considerable damage to your AC.

There are a couple possible reasons that you may see ice in your cooling system, one being considerably more severe than the other. Whatever the cause is, however, ice is not a good sign and should be dealt with by a professional immediately.

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Common Ductless Cooling Issues to Watch for This Summer

Monday, August 1, 2016

The more you use your ductless cooling and heating system, the more strain you put on the unit. This means that during seasons of extreme stress—which for a ductless heat pump is all year round rather than just once a year—problems are more likely to occur.

If you are utilizing a ductless cooling system this summer, you should be aware of some of the problems that can have a negative impact on it. Keep reading to learn more about these common issues and what to do about them.

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3 Common AC Issues to Watch for This Summer

Monday, July 11, 2016

Summer has officially been here for a few weeks now, although to Florida residents it may as well be summer all year long! At least, that’s what it feels like sometimes, right? As such, you certainly don’t want to be stuck with a malfunctioning air conditioner. This is why preventive maintenance is so essential.

However, even a well maintained air conditioning system can run into problems. These issues will vary in terms of severity, but no matter what’s going on you can trust in our professionals to fix the issue. Keep reading to learn more about 3 common air conditioning issues you should keep an eye out for this summer.

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Save Money on Your AC Operating Costs with These Tips!

Monday, June 20, 2016

Unfortunately, one method that many homeowners use to save money on their air conditioning system is to not use it at all. They want to avoid the possibility of high energy bills, so they avoid the AC all together. However, if you take a look at the following tips we’ve shared, you can keep your air conditioner running efficiently and operate it more often, without sacrificing money or comfort.

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It’s Never Too Late for Air Conditioning Maintenance!

Monday, May 23, 2016

Many homeowners throughout Florida delay calling in a professional HVAC technician until they have a detrimental problem with their system. With warmer weather already upon us, you may be thinking, “why call for service now? I’m already using my AC and it works fine!”

Hopefully your air conditioner isn’t giving you any trouble. However, if you haven’t scheduled a maintenance appointment in the last year, right now is the time to do it. Just like any other major appliance or machine that you own, your AC system needs a certain amount of attention throughout its lifespan to remain in good working condition.

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Does Your Air Conditioner Need Repairs?

Monday, May 2, 2016

With summer approaching, the time to ensure your air conditioner is working as effectively as possible is now. You might be tempted to hold off repairs, or perhaps you don’t think your need is that severe. However, you definitely don’t want to be faced with a malfunctioning or broken down system in the heat of summer. We’ve shared some signs below that indicate your cooling system is in need of repair. Don’t put it off any longer!

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Upgrading Your AC: Factors to Consider

Monday, April 25, 2016

Last month, we spoke about variable-speed technology and how this is one way to achieve optimal efficiency when upgrading your air conditioning system. With as much as you likely use your air conditioner in your Florida home, it only seems natural that you want to save money. One of the best ways to do this is by upgrading your air conditioner and making sure that it’s performing as effectively and efficiently as possible. So what other factors should you consider when upgrading your system?

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How an Energy Recovery Can Help You in Hot Weather

Monday, April 4, 2016

Air conditioning is the main concern on homeowners’ minds when the Florida weather gets hotter. However, there are others ways to help out your home during hot weather that can relieve some of the stress on the air conditioner while also benefiting the quality of your indoor air and balancing humidity. One of these methods is an energy recovery ventilator (ERV).

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